
The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) is a non-profit organization with members from 25 countries. Its mission is to ensure good forest management using criteria and specific principles. To receive accreditation, a company such as printing, must demonstrate that it has the handling and appropriate monitoring facilities. In addition, the FSC-certified paper is the only one recognized by major environmental groups internationally.

Pub Cité is recognized as a recipient of the "GreenWorks Environmental Recognition Award", a green initiative designed by Agfa Graphics, an imaging company and technology leader in the world.
Ecological processes
Proud to have established our ecological processes, we took position in improving the environment and remain ahead of print companies that aim to be greener. In recent years, we have invested in new equipment; non-chemical technology Agfa CTP, with Heidelberg press, Oris proofing system, certified Epson printer and a pre-inking system and quality control Ink Zone with a X-Rite scanner. These devices are combined with FSC paper with low VOC ink (volatile organic compounds) and alcohol replacement solvents. Here's how Pub Cité realizes its ecological printing processes!